Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Turtle, Red panda, Stork and a Tiger x 2

 Turtle Headshot


 Red Panda

Tiger x 2, Love the look of these 2 pictures especially the claws 

A trip to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

White Breasted Nuthatch

Northern Goshawk

White Winged Crossbill

Downy Woodpecker

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Summer and Winter

 Awesome Great Horned Owl pic

I found this Blister beetle last summer in Calgary, looks are deceiving. Google blister beetle bites. Yuck!

Bee in flight

 Dragonfly's making a heart while lovin each other 

 A barn in Kalispell Mt.


Winter Shot

Some Old shots from the zoo

 Munchin on a stick 


 Tiger on the prowl

Water lily

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Zoo Trip 02-06-2013

I've been away from the blog to long. I am gonna try to bring tons of blog post in 2013 

 This Great Grey Owl was crazy nervous

 Still a baby, awesome dance moves

 Claws ready