Monday, March 29, 2010

Calgary Zoo pics

I Love this bird! Super cool!


Murkat posing for the picture!

Someones screws are loose!

Swift Fox head shot

That's right that Otter is devouring a mouse!

Loving the icecream at the Calgary Zoo. So worth the $ 2.75

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Free Poop bags to a car accident

Guess these people were sick of cleaning up other peoples dog poop, they use to live on a corner lot with a lot of grass , Do you blame them?

Piranha fishy as my little girl calls them


Look at those teeth

Lovin the different colors

St. Patty's Day treat

Such a crazy looking mountain face

Mountain pics from Kananaskis

Mallard in flight

Peacock head shot

Hungry? Get this bird some fruit

Bit dusty I don't think its ever been used

Looks like its been over used

I keep getting mean looks from all the ladies


River Otter

The cost to replace this Porsche money bank = Priceless

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Olympic Fever & Some Randoms

Already missing the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, it was totally awesome getting to see the Torch Relay through Airdrie

When a Canadian Olympian or team won GOLD, Sliver or Bronze the Calgary Tower's flame was lit for them!

Guess that means they lit the flame a lot !

Celebration Sparkles

You gotta wonder just what are they thinking?

That tiger looks like it's ready for lunch!

River Otter

Is it warm enough?


Hoarfrost on that tree and just about everything in Calgary

Canadian Geese in flight

Black Capped Chickadee

This tulip picture was taken on February 27Th 2010 in Calgary. Can you guess where?