I don't know if that is BOB'S XXX or Barbershop? Anyone? It's in Coleman Alberta
All down main street in Eureka there were American Flags on the light posts
Hawk in a tree!
Incredible landscapes
Red and white bobber
Bohemian Waxwing
A little rainbow action!
This is one of the best pictures I've ever taken! I believe!
An American McDonalds drive through!
Sunset in Montana
It was kinda crazy but all the farm buildings had some sort of tilt to them
I almost think this looks like a painting in someones living room
If you count, there is well over 100 birds on the wire
All together there was something like 200 birds in that yard
Black- Capped Chickadee
Yellow Warbler
Time to rebuild?
There was a yard on a corner on main street in Kalispell and the flowers were awesome!
This picture was taken from US highway 93 doing about 70 mph
Cloudy mountains
Train through the Frank Slide
Thought the clouds looked cool
This guy has seen better days!